Delivery ServicesWe offer delivery services to any part of the island for any order totaling $100 or more!
Delivery fees start at $40 & typically take up to 5 days from purchase date.* Free In Store & Curbside Pick UpContact Customer Service for details email: [email protected]
or call: +1 (684) 699-9770 ext 200 or 201 |
*Deliveries continued:
- It is Neil's ACE Home Center's policy to contact you before we load and ship your items. We will not attempt delivery without confirmation.
- An adult must be present to accept the delivery (18 years+). If the drivers arrive at the delivery site and there is no adult present to receive the order, the order may be considered undeliverable and will be returned to the store premises. The delivery may then be may be subject to additional fees.
- Your items will be left on the first threshold (front door/garage etc.) if possible. Some homes, due to their location and road conditions, orders may not be deliverable to your doorstep. If that is case, we will do our best to put the items in the safest spot available.
- The only exceptions to this rule are furniture deliveries which are delivered into your home and appliances that are delivered with a warranty.
- We reserve the right to not deliver unattended items for safety reasons.
- We may charge an additional fee if you request your order to be placed inside the first threshold/entryway. This includes transporting orders inside the residence, up flights of stairs, or onto decks and porches.
- We do our best to honor expected delivery dates. Because of our location in the South Pacific there are often circumstances beyond our control including shipping delays, inclement weather, etc. We will work with you to provide exceptional customer service, every time.
Online Store:
- Our online store is available to all of our account holding customers. This includes discount accounts, construction, business and charge accounts. Please reach out to [email protected] for assistance.